
Flechs VIII is the working title of a kind of "rewrite" of Flechs Sheets.

The project goals, as evidenced below, are slightly broader than the original goals.

There is no ETA or public road-map but progress is posted regularly on ko-fi, including periodic development builds for supporters.

If any of this work is released, it will release as a separate stand-alone tool (or tools), not a Flechs Sheets version bump. Flechs Sheets ( will persist and receive bug fixes but gain no new features.


Printable Quad sheets
Printable Vehicle and VTOL sheets
Post: Drag and Drop in v0.9
Post: Customs imported to force included in 'open force in Flechs Sheets' in v0.7.6
Post: Unit stats in search results in 0.7.4
Post: Filters and sub-selections in 0.7.4-b
Post: BV calcs in
Debugging view showing unit / unit equipment rules sources.
Advancing a collection of units through a turn.
Combat/event testing.
Unit log during combat/event testing.
Manual damage changes in the middle of event resolution.
Testing manual vehicle crit handling.
Testing Superheavy Tripod .mtf parsing and marking.
Testing Standard Elemental Marking.
Adjusting rate of fire.
Alt ammo type selection.
Tech-test re-implementing inventory w/ calculator.
